Generally CGPA stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average.
GPA stands for Grade Point Average. Anna university follows grade point calculation(GPA) from 2008 regulation batch students instead of calculating percentage.
Calculate GPA manually is difficult and thus has developed Anna university GPA calculator for all semesters. Students can calculate in our site in few seconds. Online cgpa calculator for anna university for all semester and for all departments EEE, ECE, CSE, IT, Mechanical, Civil and other departments.
Students you can get latest updates fromAnnauniversity CGPA calculator by liking our page.
Compared to percentage method grade point average(GPA) method is good method because each and every subject the performance of the students marks will be considered based on their credit points.
Only disadvantage in grade point method is failed student doesn't know about their marks.
At the same time student who got above 90 and 90+ marks will be considered to be centum score. It is advantage for high scorer.
If students dont know about their marks they apply photo copy to know about their mark.